Pan Africa Skills
My Account Notes Notes

Identifying Key Event Elements

When you’re asked to coordinate an event, the to-do list quickly blossoms. This course will provide you with the essentials for setting up an event of any size. You can use the tools and techniques here to make your event the absolute best it can be, whether you are arranging a meeting for ten people (in which case you can cross some of the tasks off your list quite quickly) or setting up a conference for a thousand delegates.

Your first task will be to start writing an event plan. Depending on the size of your function, this document may be one page or thirty pages. It will function as your planning document and the map that you use as your guide on the day of the event. You may also need to create a short version of the plan in order to keep your manager or client up to date with what’s going on.

Generate a list of all the aspects of the event that you will have to coordinate.

Here are some elements that are typically included. They are presented here in alphabetical order, not necessarily in the order that things need to be done.

  • Accommodations (if needed)
  • Activities
  • Audience
  • Budget