Pan Africa Skills
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Developing Confidence

When it comes to communicating, we can be hampered by our own fears of failure or embarrassment not necessarily because we lack expertise in communication, but because we lack confidence in ourselves.

In order to get better at communicating, there are a few things that we can do to develop confidence

Fake it until you make it.

Be confident, even if you aren’t. Don’t fabricate the truth to cover what you don’t know, but act braver than you feel. Your brain won’t know the difference, and after a while you will find yourself feeling braver.

Be well prepared.

If you are speaking to someone, fear of embarrassing yourself might make you stumble. Make sure you have all the facts, figures, and details that you need.

Learn how to relax.

Whether you are going into a conversation or presenting at a meeting, learn how to relax so that you can enjoy what you are doing. Visualization techniques, deep breathing, practicing your material, and a good brisk walk can all help us unwind.

Be consistent.

If you want to develop credibility among your peers, they must be able to trust you. Make sure that your non-verbal messages (your body language) support what you are saying, and that your face and voice match your messages. Saying, It’s nice to meet you, with your eyes downcast, a slumped body posture, and depressed vocal tone will not make anyone feel welcome.